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Ionuț Mareș
Journalist and film critic. Curator for some film festivals in Romania. At "Films in Frame" publishes interviews with both young and established filmmakers.
Oscars 2025: What Do This Year’s Nominated Films Say About Our Times?
Talking with filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof: Sentenced to Prison in Iran, Representing Germany at the Oscars
The Most Anticipated Romanian Films of 2025
A tremendous change in access to classic films. An interview with film historian Kristin Thompson
„Joker: Folie à Deux”. It’s Showtime!
TWST – Things We Said Today. Nostalgia of The 60s
“The New Year That Never Came” – The Collapse
Stere Gulea: The “Moromeții” trilogy gives me the feeling of a fulfilled duty
Agnieszka Holland: “In times like these, if cinema turns its back on political issues, it becomes unimportant”
Horia – The Dreamers
Ira Sachs: “The industry of American independent filmmakers in which I started has disappeared”
Oscar nominee Jonathan Glazer: “The Zone of Interest” tries to look at our similarity to the criminal, not the victim
Sandra Hüller, Oscar nominee for best actress: “Every role choice is political”
Béla Tarr no longer believes that cinema can change the world
Martin Scorsese’s Journey: ”My whole life has been movies and religion. That’s it. Nothing else”
Timothy Spall: “Imagination is the biggest tool an actor has”
Radu Jude: “I’ve become more and more interested in the aesthetics of an unfinished product”
Pedro Costa: “Superhero movies are fascist”
Classical cinema in Venice
“Poor Things”. A daredevil sweetened by showmanship
Veneţia 2023. “Green Border” – The Tragedies Are Here
Venice Film Festival. Priscilla = Empowerment
Teona Galgotiu: “When I make a film, I always think about the social or political dimension it carries”
Želimir Žilnik, a filmmaker and demystifier
Andrei Tănase: “I like it when drama is deflated by the absurd”
ARTE, a way of bringing together the European cultural conscience
Magda Mihăilescu: “The Critic – neither mummy, nor sentinel”
Timişoara, European Capital of Culture: Former cinemas are reopening as modern multifunctional spaces
Dana Bunescu: “You make films out of need, because you feel this ache inside you, not because it’s cool”
New programming at the Elvire Popesco Cinema – Hosting festivals, newly released films and fresh initiatives
“Holy Spider”. Virtuosity and sensationalism
Roxana Stroe: “I see cinema as a means of escapism”
Abbas Fahdel: “For me, cinema and life are not two separate things”
Miruna Minculescu: “I feel the need to tell stories about women”
Venice ‘79: Beyond the glamour
“Saint Omer” and “No Bears”: Reality vs. Art
“To the North” and “Ordinary Failures”. Two Romanian films in Venice
Mihai Dragolea: “Cinema gives you an infusion of life, it makes you more complex”
“Snowing Darkness”. Suffering
Alexandru Solomon: “I care very much about the relationship with the public”
Anamaria Vartolomei: “I love the beauty of performing. It fills me with adrenaline”
Alexandru Belc: “I get my ideas when I sit down at my desk and start digging”
Oana Giurgiu: I hate this approach “it’s not how you do things”
“The Man and His Shadow”. The Wind of Change
Dragoş Hanciu: “What I like about documentary film is that things happen anyway and it’s up to you to capture and shape them”
Adrian Titieni: “A character doesn’t replace your identity, it complements it”
Ana Dumitraşcu: “Through acting, I always discover new things about myself”
Radu Muntean: “It’s important to be honest with yourself and not make films just for the sake of it”
Marina Palii: “Acting is a form of freedom”
“Lebensdorf”. Prudent
Cristina Groşan: “I don’t want to make films just for myself”
Sebastian Mihăilescu: “Making films helps me live in the present moment, otherwise, I would go insane”
Alina Grigore: I would have made “Blue Moon” no matter what
Victor Rebengiuc, an exemplar of long-haul professionalism
Turning a teenage trauma into a Venice-winning debut
“Wild Romania”. Spectacular, yet harmless
Eugen Jebeleanu: “We need to shake the audiences up through stories they haven’t had access to before”
Conrad Mericoffer: “I have several inner worlds and if I don’t express myself, I’m overcome with anxiety”
Carla Fotea: “Film production comes to ego, resource and time management”
When passion, determination and talent get you to Cannes. An interview with Ana-Maria Gheorghe and Andrei Epure
Ana Radu: “Acting makes me feel safe. It gives me courage and freedom”
Alexandru Ion: ”If you’re concerned with what others may think of you, you’re on a slippery slope”
Alma Buhagiar: “I want my films to have therapeutical value”
Valentina Iusuphodjaev, the director of Moldova Film Center: “There is need for a film community”
Cecilia Felméri: “I like making films because I have to be prepared one hundred percent – both emotionally and intellectually”
Ioana Grigore: “The documentary film writes itself in editing”
Stefan Azaharioaie, sound designer: “Paying special attention to sounds is extremely important”
Olga Lucovnicova, a Golden Bear-winning director: “I wish a New Moldovian Wave would emerge as well”
Alina Manolache: “I like to believe that my work could stand as some kind of archive in the future”
Silvana Mihai: “The camera is my partner, always on my side”
Bogdan Jitea: “The Romanian National Cinema Epic has created a distorted image of our national history, which has been perpetuated long after 1989”
Tudor Panduru: „Being a cinematographer helps me get answers to some questions”
Anda Ionescu: “As a producer, I like to work on films that explore my own pursuits, as well”
Andra Tarara: “It’s emotional expensive to make documentaries about relationships in your own family”
Andrei Rautu: “As an artist, I think it’s essential to do your best not to fall apart”
Ioana Bugarin: “Acting helps me understand myself”
Paul Muresan: “Making animation entails spending a lot of time just with yourself, and you need to make it through this hell”
Alex Traila: „Romanian cinema has an image problem”
Alexandra Alma Ungureanu: “In creating the costumes for a film, anchoring the character in its environment is essential”
Alina Serban: “I’m looking for a chance to receive the microphone and an equal place at the table”
Ruxandra Ghitescu: “I’m interested in that kind of film which makes me discover something about myself”
A different kind of TIFF
Ana-Maria Comanescu: “I’m fascinated by the escapism of cinema”
Boróka Bíró, cinematographer: “I prefer that type of image which is more sensitive”
Laura Pop: “For me, animation film is a therapeutic process”
Octav Chelaru: “If you want to make films, you need to understand what this world is about”
Andreea Bortun: “For me, cinema is the most complex environment that helps me understand the reality around me”
Sarra Tsorakidis: “Making films, I just love it”
Alexandru Dumitru, sound designer: When I work on too many realistic films, I feel the need of a horror
Maria Dragus: “Acting makes me very happy”
Tudor Platon: “In working out the cinematography for a film, I try to gather as much information as possible”
Andreea Ionescu-Berechet: „Divas used to promote the idea of capability”
Carmen Tofeni: The eye of the camera operator must be the eye of the whole film
Cristian Bota: „A valuable actor is like a chameleon capable of changing in any second”
Ilinca Hărnuţ: Nothing has helped me more in achieving a balance with myself than working in film
Letiția Ștefănescu: For me, what matters most it’s the emotion that comes through editing
Gabi Suciu: As a producer, you want to be involved in a film project from the very beginning, not just as an accountant
Cristina Haneș: Documentary film should reflect the experience of knowing people as much as possible
Bogdan Mureșanu: After the success with “The Christmas Gift”, I want to keep a clear mind and stay honest
Andrei Tănăsescu: “Curatorial predictability is the death of a film festival”
With Igor Babiac, on what it means to be a young film actor in the Republic of Moldova
With cinematographer Ana Drăghici, about how hard it is to make it as a woman in an industry dominated by men
Mihai Mincan: Powerful, heavy stories are told better through cinema than through journalism
Iulian Postelnicu: “Negative characters are more convincing”